pta Events & Fundraising

All events are to build community while raising money to help us to meet our Fundraising Goals.

Lunchtime Snack Sales

Snack Sales

Every Spirit Day 

During ALL Lunch Periods

Mabel's Labels

Click Image Above and Enter:

 PS 234Q PTA

Friendship grams

To Be Delivered:  

Week of Feb. 14th

UNos Doughraiser

Tentatively the week of:

Feb. 13th-19th

talent show

Auditions due Feb. 25th

Show: Thurs. March 27th

Paint Night

Fri. Feb. 28th

Read A Thon

Begins March 3rd

Book FAir

March 10th-14th

Volunteers Needed!

PTA Movie nIGHT 


Doors Open at 4:30pm

Movie Starts at 5pm

PS234 Night at Brooklyn CYclones

Sun. May 4th

PTA Movie nIGHT 


Doors Open at 4:30pm

Movie Starts at 5pm

PS234 Night at Kangas

Wed. June 18th

When we need volunteers check here for our opportunities by clicking the logo.

We are always working on our plans for the year, so be sure to check here for more information on our upcoming events by clicking below:

Help keep our event costs down and shop our Amazon Wish List!

Don't miss an event! Get reminders via the Remind App! 

Text @ptaps234 to 81010

Share your event photos on social media using #ps234qpta